One small step ...


One small step ...

The vaulting ambition

The Context

The Nine Pillars of

Frontline Health Care

Epic Fail


Ebooks, videos and audio files



The Benefits of

Physical Activity


Digital Resources



Download the Frontline Primary Health Care Blueprint










The core objective of the Fitness Frontline concept is to provide 'regular folks' with the simplest, cheapest, quickest and most effective solutions to taking responsibility for improving their health, fitness and wellbeing.


Heroic diseases aside, exercise of sufficient regularity, intensity and duration, coupled with the adequate nutrition and a stress management program are the keys to

l preventing good health from descending into poor health and

l restoring poor health to good health.


When in poor health, people need to be assured that the prescription mix needs to include exercise, adequate nutrition and stress management. Taking a drug, whether it restores poor health to good or masks the symptoms of poor health is not the complete answer to improving one's health status.



Physed teachers have a pivotal role in welcoming children into the fit and healthy way of life. Along with sports coaches they can inspire and motivate children to develop a love of physical activity and experience the joy of effort.


A physed teacher is judged by how many of the children they teach leave school - and eventually enter old age - in good physical condition.





The Fitness Frontline concept is designed to emphasize the critical importance that physical fitness:


-  aerobic fitness


-  strength and


-  flexibility


play in achieving good health.


propel the fitness industry into the front line of primary health care for the personally-generated metabolic, musculo-skeletal mental health dysfunctions.


Mental health is included in the mix because of it's link to metabolic health.


4.  DIET


There's no doubt that the obesity epidemic and the epidemic of personally-generated metabolic and mental health dysfunctions can be sheeted home to a poor diet.


The garbohydrate diet (yep that's a 'g' not a 'c') - comprised of copious quantities of fat, flour and sugar, on their own or in combination - has become that standard diet in the western world.


The wisdom of the ancients knew that ' you can't live on bread alone'. Neither can you live on flour and sugar without succumbing to all manner of body system dysfunctions.




The epidemic of stress, anxiety, sadness and aimlessness is being driven by a lack of personal development.


Only a small percentage of people have exposed themselves to personal development seminars, books and videos.


Too many people prescribed mood-altering drugs without also being prescribed regular counselling (diet or physical activity).





On the one hand, the medical industry is good at dealing with medical problems. On the other hand, its track record in dealing with personally-generated body system dysfunctions is not so good.


Currently the medical industry holds a monopoly position as the gate-keeper to the primary health care arena.


As a result of its government-protected, monopoly status, it is highly inefficient, expensive and to a large extent, highly ineffective in its dealings with customers.


It has failed to adopt high tech ways of dealing with customers.


It's in a time warp, driven by a germ-based ideology and the pharmaceutical industry.


(It may be uncharitable to say it, but the harsh reality, is that the medical and pharmaceutical industry don't make money out of cures, they make money out of treatments.)


The fact that the medical industry has divided the body into a series of parts and organs, (losing sight of the fact that the body works as a whole) has reduced its ability to diagnose and prescribe treatments that maintain the body in good condition.


Whilst works at its best when dealing with medical problems, ta lot of their customers present themselves at the surgery with fitness, diet and personal development problems. You can't fix fitness, diet and personal development problems with a pill


The health, fitness and wellbeing of its customers is getting worse.


It deals with its customers verbally, rarely providing them with simple, practical written information on how to improve their heath, fitness and wellbeing. The only sheet of paper their customers receive is a note to the chemist.


At Fitness Frontline our aim is the encourage the medical industry to recognise the role that fitness, diet and personal development problems has in poor health by providing it with


simple assessment tools that put measurements of aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility in to the diagnostic mix



evidence-based exercise, diet and stress management prescriptions that are known to improve metabolic and musculo-skeletal heath and elevate mood.


technology that simplifies the assessment of health, fitness and wellbeing


technology that simplifies the monitoring of health, fitness and wellbeing prescriptions.




The frontline of primary health care is driven by technology that delivers performance data from individuals to their health care advisors.



The digital age has entered the health arena with measuring devices readily available with apps that connect to data storage on phones. The next health technology leap with be to get that data onto the computer of those health advisors who have authority to receive it.




Health insurers have a pivotal role to play in keeping their customers fit and healthy. It's a win-win situation. If their customers are fit and healthy they feel better, they make less use of advanced medical and hospital services. In the long run it means the cost of premiums goes down.


Keeping in close touch with customers and directing them to fitness, diet, personal development and medical practitioners who believe in the Frontline Primary Health Care philosophy means there is a higher likelihood that individuals will work more diligently toward restoring poor health to good themselves.


Health insurers have it within their ambit to create a Frontline Primary Health Care network of practitioners who are dedicated to teaching their customers what they, themselves can do to restore poor health to good.


The health insurers must move heaven and earth to discourage the practice of symptom masking medicine because it leads to poor health outcomes. Small problems become big, expensive problems for health insurers.


9.  MEDICARE - government subsidized

     medical treatment


In a way that's similar to the private health insurers, government departments that subsidise medical treatments have a vested interest in making sure people keep themselves fit and healthy to the best of their ability. The subsidization of medical treatments for personally-generated body system dysfunctions is threatening to bankrupt governments around the world.



Fitness Frontline a Division of Miller Health Pty ltd

7 Salvado Place, Stirling ACT 2611 Australia

(02) 6288 7703